
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanks, Otter Drama, and big news!

So, I'm slightly late on this, but it's been a busy week!  As another Thanksgiving has come around, it has made me reflect upon all the things in my life that I am thankful for.
  • I am thankful that I have had a year fairly free of injuries and illnesses.
  • I am thankful that Otter had a year fairly free of injuries and illnesses (more on this later).
  • I am thankful that I was finally able to take Otter to his first show!
  • I am thankful that my boyfriend was able to fly up here for the holiday.

  • I am thankful that I was able to spend Thanksgiving with my family.
  • I am thankful that my new job  finally started this year and that I am enjoying it so much and that it came with  pay raise that will help me take Otter to more shows next year!
  • I am thankful that I am doing well in my classes, and that I have the ability to take classes and still spend time with my horse
  • I am thankful that my family and  boyfriend are so supportive of my riding and competitive goals.
  • I'm probably thankful for a whole lot of other things that I can't think of at this moment...
So, on to the Otter drama... About a week to two weeks ago, I pulled a tick off of Otter in his girth region.  It seemed to come out whole, but left a small bump on his side where it was attached that had slowly been going down.  Went out to the  barn on Friday, and took off Otter's blanket and found this-
He has a spot around where the tick was, slightly larger than a dessert plate that is swollen (tick bite was dead center).  Not good.  Called over the barn owner to look at it, and she didn't like the look of it either, so I took his vitals which were all fine and called the vet.  After a few phone calls and pictures sent back and forth, we decided to start him on Doxy and she is coming out tomorrow to draw blood for a Lyme's titer.  There had been a little bit of pus where the tick had bit him, so she said it is possible that a tiny bit had been left in/he's having a reaction to the bite itself and not the Lyme's bacteria.  

*Cue lots of swearing...*  I'm so not happy about this!  He has been doing so well this year.  Not that he isn't doing well now, he doesn't have any indicators of Lyme's other than this swelling.... but I want to keep it that way.

So please keep us in your thoughts/prayers that it's just a really strong reaction to the bite.

And on to good news!  My boyfriend proposed last night!  We'd been friends for a long time before we started dating, so he knows what he is getting himself into as far as the horses.  He trekked around on Friday with me out in the cold going back and forth to the vet and getting meds and helping me with Otter.

Thanks for reading, and I hope ya'll had a great holiday also!